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It is important to have a complete understanding of a student’s interest, strengths and area of focus before suggesting them with any academic course. At Klassroom Edutech, career counseling is done by the best career counselors who can help the students understand their key strengths and guide them to overcome their shortcomings. These expert counselors have in-depth knowledge about various courses and careers through which they can help the students select the best career for them.

The process of career counseling consists of two parts:

- The Scientific Test: It is a well-designed test by experts to identify the students’ interest, strengths, logic, mathematical strength and reasoning skills. In this test, the student has to answer various questions in the form of multiple choice questions divided under diverse segments. This test is the first step to career counseling. Based on the results of this test, our counselors will help the students with further counseling.

- The Counselling: As the results of the aptitude test are generated the students head for the next round of career counseling where they meet the Klassroom’s Expert Counselors. In this meeting, the counselor interacts with the parents and student to understand their queries and concerns about the students' academics. Based on the aptitude test results and the interaction with the parents and students, the counselor recommends the best career suitable for the student. With this, the counselor also guides the student with certain techniques and ideas to overcome his/her academic shortcomings.
